Notes of a Knitter with huge dreams


Ok the wedding is over and I am happy. It was wonderful but I hate weddings- they are so stressful. I was unable to complete both washcloths for Maimuna's gift but Malcolm will be visiting this weekend and he can take them back with him. I have been working on them at work and I should be done soon. I love spring break, we only have like 9 kids total. I may swing past that yarn shop that I wanted to go to but was closed that one day and buy some nice yarn. I think I was really put off but that sweater shirt I made. I am going to rip it and make it smaller. I made it bigger to adjust for my own fatness which turns out not to be that fat after all. I've decided to add a new blog just for my own thought process. I saw some things today that were a wasteful and I feel I can do better.


I am still making washcloths. I am not doing anything interesting but I will get into making some socks after the wedding. I found some yarn that others may have already known about. You use one ball and you get a ready made pattern. I'm excited. One day I want to add pictures, we'll see what happens.