Notes of a Knitter with huge dreams


I know I know I know...It's been a minute since my last entry but that's cause in the summertime I was really into my tarot and it was hard for me to get into knitting in the heat. I swear I am the stereotypical eskimo- I hate hot weather. But now that it is cool outside I have my needles out and I'm ready to go!

I've made the decision to move back to Philly and work with children by day and by night I am a knitter. I ordered my business cards today. They are so cute! I opted against the ones with yarn on them because they were a tad bit ugly. I'm holding off on the labels for now. I'm going to wait until someone orders something from me.

Malcolm has been so supportive of me and my life altering plans. I think he can see how happy I have become. I've been so into my knitting lately that I think I am going to get fired for not working. I haven't done anything work related in a long time. I have so many ideas right now- I am getting myself flustered.

Ok- so the plan is to have a links section and also a books reviewed section. Lets see if I can get this to work.


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